速報APP / 商業 / Salesforce Tracker

Salesforce Tracker





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本




Salesforce Tracker(圖1)-速報App

Sales force tracking has been a critical requirement of organizations across the globe. Be it a large or a small company, efficient tracking of sales force and service personnel is the need of the day.

Investing in sales force / service personnel tracking solutions not only stops vehicle misuse and keep a check on lazy employees but also increase sales and productivity!

Free Version

Auto location tracking

User friendly interface

Location Alert through email

Resctricted access for salesman

Settings area (Password Protected)

Paid Version

Auto location tracking

Salesforce Tracker(圖2)-速報App

User friendly interface

Location Alert through email

Resctricted access for salesman

Settings area (Password Protected)

Web interface for admin

Multiple reports in admin area

Salesman location reporting

Visit routes & mapping

Office check in / check out

Alerts & precise reporting

Salesforce Tracker(圖3)-速報App

Integeration with Point of sales

Salesforce tracking solutions help you to in the following ways

Simple smartphone based solutions, using which you can track if the employees have visited the desired clients and at the appointed time.

Know exactly where your sales person is at any given moment.

Verify whether the sales person has made assigned visits or was he wandering somewhere else.

Know whether the sales / service person made an actual visit to the client location or not.

Know the time spent at each location.

Know the number of visits made by your staff for each customer in a month / quarter.

Ensure over-smart employees do not fiddle with the application.

Does not require any specialized hardware and a simple smartphone is sufficient.

Salesforce Tracker(圖4)-速報App

Check the total KMs travelled and pay only for the travels he has made.

Simple to use smartphone (Android / iPhone) application can be used for tracking sales personnel. Normally there are concerns regarding the battery – however intelligent applications use battery carefully and make it last for the whole day.

Salesforce Tracker(圖5)-速報App